Please take a few minutes to read our privacy policy, it won’t take long. With it we want to explain in a simple, clear and transparent way how we treat and protect your personal information and your rights. Your security and that of your personal data is fundamental to BIGBANG TALENT and we take its proper protection very seriously.

This privacy policy applies to all users of the Website, whether or not they are clients of BIGBANG TALENT (hereinafter, interchangeably, “the user” or “the users”) who are considered natural persons. And it is that, by personal data, we refer to all information about an identified or identifiable natural person.

treatment information
According to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) “GDPR”, the user must receive timely and specific information from the person responsible for the treatment and the uses and purposes thereof.

For this, the following information is indicated:

Owner’s name: Iván Lacaci Otero
Registered office: Avenida de Pedro Díez 4-6, portal 7, 2ºB – 28019 Madrid
C.I.F.: 50231945Z


Our Website is maintained and updated with the utmost responsibility on the part of the company and its joint managers. The personal data that you provide us will be processed for the purpose specifically stipulated in this privacy policy and for the purpose for which they were collected in the different data forms provided in it.

What information can we obtain about you?
The processing of your data is necessary to give you access to the contents and/or functionalities of our Website or, if you require it, to be able to send you the information or provide you with the services provided through it. In this regard, we maintain a firm commitment to treat your personal data in a legitimate and coherent manner in accordance with the legal principles and obligations set forth in the current personal data protection regulations.

When you browse through our Website and, in particular, when you interact, you provide us with data directly, for example, when you fill in any information form about a course or application available online in accordance with the processing purposes indicated in each case. .

The data you provide us is in relation to such forms. We will always request the data that is adequate, pertinent and limited to what is necessary with respect to the aforementioned purposes of treatment (principle of minimization of personal data):

Contact and Identification Data, name, surname, address, telephone number, email.

Commercials and Preferences, information that you provide us about your preferences, for example the type of course/s in which you are interested.

Connection data, geolocation in the event that you interact with us, for example from your mobile.

Browsing data, all websites collect browsing data from visitors through the famous cookies. In our case, we inform you that we do not collect cookies of our own free will, except those necessary to be able to offer you the content or to view the notice to which we are bound about cookies, but in no case do we use them to identify you or associate your browsing data. If you want more information about Cookies, go to the link “Cookies” (see cookie policy).

Connection data, IP of the device or equipment used and that is provided through the browser that you use to connect to a Website. The purpose of an IP address is to make connection to the network possible, to ensure that the identification of each device is unique and thus prevent errors, fraud, etc. The company and its joint managers will not use the IP address of your computer equipment or device for any treatment related to your personal data or to identify you or associate your browsing data.

Please remember that when we ask you to provide us with your personal data to give you access to some functionality or service on the web, some fields are required, we need them to be able to provide you with the service. Therefore, keep in mind that if you decide not to provide us with this information, it is possible that you will not be able to complete your registration, nor will you be able to enjoy those services or make the purchase.

For what purposes do we use your data?
The company and its co-responsible parties process your data for the following purposes:

Your personal data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, unless a longer retention period is legally permitted or required.

Our data retention periods are based on business needs, we will subsequently keep them duly stored and protected during the time in which responsibilities derived from the treatment could arise, in compliance with current regulations at all times. Once the possible actions in each case are prescribed, we will proceed to the deletion of personal data.

Personal data associated with the purposes of the treatment informed Terms or criteria for the conservation of your personal data
Posibilitar que navegues por nuestra plataforma, permitiéndote con ello el acceso a la información y a los contenidos dispuestos en la misma. In general, your data will be kept for these purposes for the essential and necessary time to enable you to navigate correctly and use our platform and the content provided through it that you access. Regarding the data associated with your browsing profile, in relation to the analytical type cookies that you have accepted as indicated in the cookie policy of the company and its co-responsible parties, you must attend to the section related to the temporality of these (see policy of cookies).
Properly provide customer service. Por el tiempo estrictamente necesario para solventar o atender las mismas.
Send you all the necessary information in relation to the characteristics of the course or service that you have requested. For the time strictly necessary to resolve or address them.
Send you information and commercials about courses and services related to our activity. Until the moment you exercise your right to revoke your consent for the processing of your data for advertising and/or promotional purposes or, where appropriate, you oppose the processing for direct marketing purposes in application of the provisions of article 21.2 of the GDPR.
Make it easy for you to subscribe to our blog/newsletter. Until the moment you request the effective cancellation of said subscription.
Carry out quality control on our courses and services by carrying out possible opinion surveys. As long as there is a pre-contractual/contractual relationship with the user.
In the event that you have accepted the cookies policy provided for this purpose, allow the development of the treatment purposes associated with them. They will be maintained as indicated in the Cookies policy (see cookies policy).
Adopt as many protection measures as are applicable in accordance with current regulations, including the possible pseudonymization and anonymization of your personal data, applying, for this, the appropriate techniques available for this purpose. As long as the user’s personal data is processed, including the conservation of such data during the established legal terms, and regardless of the legitimate basis of treatment used by the company and its co-responsible parties.
Apply the relevant security, technical and/or organizational measures on your personal data with a focus on the existing risk at all times. As long as the user’s personal data is processed, including the conservation of such data during the established legal terms, and regardless of the legitimate basis of treatment used by the company and its co-responsible parties.
In general, comply with the regulations applicable to the company and its co-responsible parties according to the sector of activity that belongs to it, including actions aimed at detecting fraud and the prevention of crimes or illegal actions in the development of the company’s compliance programs and their correspondents. 10 years in accordance with the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law.

In any case, and without prejudice to the foregoing, the user is also informed of the following:

Our data retention periods are based on business needs, it will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, unless a longer retention period is legally permitted or required.
In accordance with the current regulations for the protection of personal data, in everything that concerns the correct treatment of personal information by the company and its co-responsible persons, this entity may also keep the information for three years in a secure manner from its collection/ recruitment (limitation periods for offenses in this area).
Regarding the time of conservation of cookies, the user is recommended to consult our cookie policy (see cookie policy).
In general, when personal data is no longer necessary for the processing purposes for which it was collected, it will be blocked, remaining available only to the competent authorities for the possible debugging of legal responsibilities during the processing of these data. , always in accordance with the applicable regulations, and cannot be used for purposes other than these. After the corresponding legal deadlines in case of blocking, such personal data will be deleted in accordance with the applicable regulations, and may also, if applicable, be safely anonymized by the company and its co-responsible parties (anonymized/non-personal data).